Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Telling the Time

We have been doing some work on 'Time' this week and found out that there are some things we need to practice a bit more!
Have a go at some of these games when you have the time...

Time Games

Thursday, 20 November 2014

17th Century England Research Project

Following our work done on 'The Great Fire of London' and 'The Gunpowder Plot', year 4 have been asked to prepare and produce a history presentation on 17th Century England.
They may produce a poster, a speech, a book, some drama, a model, a history lesson but it should be a group presentation where everybody has participated and worked together.

Here are some useful websites to help with the research:

Life in the 17th Century

17th Century Houses

Children in the 17th century

17th Century Recipes

17th Century Clothes

The Plague

Royalty 1600-1700

Monday, 17 November 2014

Phonics Revision

We are currently revising all of the long vowel phonemes so that we are ready for year 5. Here are some revision activities for keeping your English up to speed. It is not as easy as it sounds...there are 8 different ways of making the long vowel 'a' alone!

Long Vowel Word Maker

We will start with some easier activities and progress each week!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

3D Shapes

Year 4 had a lot of fun making some 17th century houses for a 'Great Fire of London' display. We had to design, measure, and make a net for a cube and a square based pyramid/rectangular prism. We copied some geometrical patterns to make the houses look realistic and even drew on thatched roofs.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

2 Dimensional Shapes

We have been revisiting polygons this week.

Here is a great website to find out how much you know about 2D shapes.