Thursday 21 August 2014

Dinosaur Project

We are beginning a very exciting topic which will last until September break.

Year 4 will be working in pairs to produce a book about dinosaurs to give to the children in Kindergarten who will be starting their work on Dinosaurs next week.  It is linked with what we are learning about non-fiction texts. Each book must contain the following information and should take into account the fact that the books will be used by 5 year olds.

Every book should include the following:

  • Contents page and index (see below for more information)
  • Plant-eating dinosaurs.
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex family.
  • Armoured dinosaurs
  • The Death of Dinosaurs.

We are looking forward to making the books and sharing them with the younger children.

How to do a Contents page:
1. order your pages and number them neatly.
2. write down the name of each chapter and write the page number next to it.
3. the contents page always goes at the front of the book.

How to do an Index page:
1. choose one or two words from each page that you think the 5 year olds may not understand.
2. list them in alphabetical order.
3. you may choose to write a brief definition of the word.
4. write down the page the word appears on.
5. the index page always goes at the back.

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